Hi, I’m Thea

and I love fitness... I wasn't on a sports team in high school, I was the weird art kid. I found fitness and it literally saved my life. Let me show you how to create the life you want thru movement!

Check out my NEW Course!!

This 8 week challenge is everything you need to get in shape this fall!

Check out my signature course....

36 Days is a commitment to love and focus on yourself.


I am so excited to share this upcoming course with you!

Vegan Courses Coming Soon!

So excited to announce Vegan Courses coming soon. Including a FREE Guide of how to GO VEGAN. And a 6 week Challenge to give you the knowledge and accountability to become vegan.

A 28 Day Challenge!

Coming soon!!!

Lets try 36 days of focusing on YOU

My 36 day course is incredible.

I have worked so hard on it.

After creating my 50 card oracle deck, I realized people wanted something that was a little more condensed. the information but faster and easier to digest...

You have the power to commit to Self Love. Self Love is not something we do magically overnight. It is something we work towards every day. You have the ability right now to focus on working towards loving yourself more fully. To rewriting that negative self talk. To changing how you think and feel about yourself. And you can accomplish this by focusing every day for the next 36 days on finding some movement and keeping a journal.

join my challenge NOW

Try One on One coaching with me today!

get two half hour sessions a week and personal assistance achieving your goals!

I believe in carrying for you as a WHOLE person!

It's not just about movement or exercise! It is also about how you feel. I want to give you the skills to really care for yourself.

I love Tarot!

I can't wait to share the Tarot Courses I have been working on with you!

"Thea has made me feel comfortable going to group fitness classes"

- Jane A.

Fitness doesn't have to be hard

Fitness can be as simple as walking your dog, or taking a zumba class with your friends, Maybe its 5 minutes of exercise 4 times a day. The cool thing about fitness is it's so person and will look different for everyone, this course gives you everything so you can try new things and find the kind of movement you enjoy!!

Fitness is more than just calories and exercise

fitness is also about how you feel, how your sleeping, how your breathing, this class breaks down the misconceptions about fitness so you can live your best fit life.

Get everything you need to start down a path towards fitness. Check out my courses to enhance your life!!

Newly Launched is my FREE Feel Better in your Body Guide!

It is a taste of what my courses are like, in case you are unsure. Try it our for free!


21 day Jumpstart!

Only $2 a day and get EVERYTHING YOU NEED!

It's like having a mini personal trainer in your pocket for the next three weeks!

My programs include awesome stuff like:

  • a challenge calendar
  • making Exercise work for you; Info sheets
  • What is fitness Info sheet
  • How to measure FIT Info sheets
  • what is Exercise? Info sheets
  • Weight lifting guide lines; Info sheets
  • Injuries and how to avoid them; Info sheet
  • How to listen to your body: Info sheets
  • Common fitness terms
  • Nutrition 101; Info sheets
  • Macros: Info sheets
  • Micros: Info sheets
  • Other factors that impact weight loss: Sleep and Stress: Info sheets
  • Meal guide : Info sheets
  • Other food resources
  • Recorded workouts

Launching this Friday!

3 weeks to get into fitness! Great for getting back into shape safely!

Learn to Love your Body

I am all about body empowerment. How does your body FEEL? Let me help you find movement that makes you feel good. Let's make your body Happy!

Free Guide Coming soon!

Check back for the launch of this awesome course!